There are several suppliers of commercial software for image guidance during surgery. The development of technological and medical opportunities go hand in hand, and we wish to offer image guidance tools also for areas where commercial solutions have yet not been developed.
NorMIT Navigation is a national research platform for image-guided interventions. The platform is available to everyone, and the intention is that research results will be shared between the university hospitals in Norway. NorMIT Navigation can be used both in clinical research and in the implementation and testing of new methods and procedures.
NorMIT Navigation is based on two existing software platforms: NorMIT preoperative (planning module) and NorMIT intraoperative (image-guided). Both software platforms are based on open source software.
NorMIT intraoperative is developed by SINTEF, medical technology in cooperation with NTNU and St. Olavs Hospital. Click this link in order to download the software NorMIT intraoperative.
NorMIT preoperative is based on open source software and is a hybrid planning and navigation platform for research, developed at the Intervention Centre at Oslo University Hospital. The platform is based on 3D Slicer, which is an open source, and is supported by a range of universities and companies. In order to download NorMIT preoperative, please contact Ole Jakob Elle at the Intervention Centre (
NorMIT Navigation is installed and ready for use at Oslo University Hospital and St. Olavs Hospital. If your hospital has the necessary medical infrastructure, we can give local software support.
Related links:
- The National Advisory Unit for Ultrasound and Image guided Therapy:
- The navigation platform CustusX:

Intra-operative use of navigation technology. Photo: Operating Room of the Future

Normit navigation toolbox